Energy Knowledge Bank

Energy Bank

Richmond Council has put together a guide to insulation offers from the "Big Six" energy companies -- very useful: 

A little bit of everything you needed to know about energy and water efficiency in the home: produced by the project, the Street Champions' Handbook (nearly finished) -

Retrofitting your house: Sue & John's retrofit in words and pictures -

Measuring your energy consumption and being part of your local 'Carbon Club':  How to sign up to iMeasure

How to fit the Low Carbon Zone starter kit:

Solar technology and how to make the most of it .... learn about the feed-in tariffs and see how several local residents have fared in their use of solar power

Using the thermal imaging camera but need to see the handbook? Here it is:


Want to know more about energy saving measures?

How to fit a chimney balloon:


Muriel is one of ourStreet Champions and she needed a bit of draughtproofing done on her rented house. Chas, watched by Richmond Council's Chris Hunt, draughtstripped the front and back doors and installed a chimney balloon. This is what Muriel thought about it...

More draughtproofing.......... bright new strips on the outside of the front door frame, plus a brand new letterbox brush
A full set of draughtproofing materials are available free of charge for anyone who wants to hold a draughtproofing workshop ... just contact Chas Warlow
Watch this space for more practical resources to help your house get more the Energy Saving Trust carbon calculator at . This simple tool will show you how much CO2 and money you can save by taking some simple energy saving measures.
Plus......breaking news.......Thermal imaging reveals all for local (alright, Kingston) resident